I facilitate transformational shifts that unlock your true purpose and your best self
I’m here to help you build confidence and find focus so that you can reach your full potential as a leader and a human. Find out how we can work together with a complimentary consultation.
Meet your coach
I’m Bob Easton. As a transformation coach, I work with individuals, leaders, and organisations (for-profit and not-for-profit) who are seeking change or growth.
If you are looking for a committed guide and partner, to support and hold you accountable to shape, map, navigate, and achieve desired transformative change, you’re in the right place.
I work with clients in person and virtually, so I can support you no matter where you are in the world.
The work of self-discovery can be challenging, but when we approach this process together, with open minds and open hearts, it is always rewarding.
What kind of coaching are you looking for?
Life Coaching
Perfect if you’re an individual looking for one-on-one support across multiple areas of your life.
Executive Coaching
One-on-one coaching for key talent and senior leaders, sponsored and funded by their organisation.
Team Coaching
Coaching for groups with a common focus, seeking change or higher levels of performance and impact.
Customised Programmes
For circumstances where you need a fully customised solution, including speaking and workshops.
Bob has helped me unpack the human aspect of business.
“Bob has been an instrumental part of my personal and professional growth. Coaching doesn’t just start and stop with Bob. He has played an active role in large and small career moments of mine.
In the past 13 years, Bob has never missed a call. He has supported my ideas and aspirations. He always challenged me and pushed my thinking. Bob has a unique ability to take a very complex business problem and simplify it. He asks hard questions to truly understand the root cause of the challenge and/or opportunity. In doing so, he has helped me unpack the human aspect of business.
He leads by example and demonstrates the importance of trust-based relationships. He showed me that asking for help was not a sign of weakness but required to achieve outcomes. I learned the importance of authenticity, creativity, and how to work as a team to achieve excellence.
Bob coached me to always do the right thing, even when no one was watching. I’ve changed my thinking on how I define ‘success’ through my coaching with Bob. He taught me not to compare myself to others, but only an earlier version of myself. I’m lucky to have evolved and grown under Bob’s coaching and leadership.
— Anupa Upadhyay
Managing Director, Global Strategy and Consulting Firm
Bob draws on rare blend of deep coaching expertise and practical senior executive experience.
“Bob is an exceptional and wise coach who is able to draw on a rare blend of deep coaching expertise and practical senior executive experience at the highest levels of performance.
During our work together, he created the right balance between providing guidance, frameworks and strategies on the one hand, and asking insightful questions and creating the space to allow me to ‘trip over’ insights and come to my own realisations on the other hand.”
— Frank Chila
General Counsel, Global SaaS Company
Bob created a safe environment and enabled me to crystalise what I needed to stop, start, or change.
“I have enjoyed working with Bob in his capacity as group executive of Accenture, providing services to a large bank in Australia, as well as a coach during what was a pivotal point in my career.
As part of Accenture’s group executive, Bob provided challenge, commercial innovation, strategic support, and encouragement. Whilst Bob was a challenging adversary in commercial negotiations, he also displayed dedication in building sustainable strategic relationships whilst optimising commercial outcomes for both organisations.
I have also had the absolute pleasure of working with Bob as a coach and in this capacity, I found he considers the whole person, challenges your thinking, and provides a deep understanding of how to manifest insight into your motivations, strengths, and blockers. I found this process critical in identifying what was helping or hindering my ability to achieve my desired goals and objectives. Bob’s ability to create a safe environment of trust and openness enabled me to share my thinking and crystalise my view of what I needed to stop, start, or change.
Bob was so accommodating and always made himself available, despite his own commitments. The insight and support I received from Bob was fantastic, just what I needed at a time when I needed it, and cannot recommend him more highly.”
— Karen Sutton
CPO, Banking & Financial Services
Life Coaching
A focused series of conversations that support change, growth, and development of career and life skills, in pursuit of achieving the best self and maximising personal performance, flourishing, well-being, and impact.
You tell me your worries, goals, dreams, and the outcomes you want, and I design a coaching plan to fit your needs.
Best for leaders who want to work on:
Refining existing leadership, communication, or other professional skills
Changing behaviours that may be derailing performance, retention, productivity, or wellbeing
Taking the next step in your career
Navigating a significant personal or professional transition (e.g., new job, promotion, redundancy, retirement)
Preparing for a job interview or updating your CV
Creating better work/life balance
Coping with stress and life’s challenges in healthier ways to increase vitality and wellbeing
Developing higher levels of hope, resilience, mental toughness, compassion, empathy, and trust
Increasing your capacity to deal with turbulence, complexity, uncertainty, and change
Understanding your strengths (both character and talent) and impact
Managing personal and professional relationships with elegance and skill
How it works
We meet or set up a phone call to explore and discuss ‘chemistry’ and ‘fit’ and review contracting details.
Assuming the chemistry is right, we make an intentional decision to proceed.
We jointly sign the contracting memo objectives and expected outcomes, content, team (coaches), ways of working (e.g., accountabilities, expectations of you the client, confidentiality); and commercials including fees and terms. Typically, invoices for the engagement are paid prior to the commencement of coaching services.
You complete a pre-coaching questionnaire to provide background information and also share any psychometric assessments or exercises you may have completed in the past.
We focus on your current situation and desired future. Typically, we’ll explore your current work situation, whole person context (including what is going on in the rest of your life, a brief look at early influences on your life, and family of origin), and overall aspirational and behavioural goals for the coaching program.
If we agree that it would be helpful, you may take one or more psychometric assessments. Research and experience have shown that such assessments play a key role in increasing your self-awareness, your strengths, your impact on others, your style preferences, etc. We may also agree for me to conduct interviews with stakeholders.
A coaching plan typically will range from 8 to 10 sessions every other week, to unlimited access on a retainer basis over a period of several months and beyond. The coaching will concentrate on your future options and choices and may include training in the self-management of change.
We discuss and review the coaching, examining the overall effectiveness of the coaching engagement. We also jointly evaluate the relationship to see if it should end or be extended.
Executive Coaching
Executive coaching is sponsored and funded by an organisation as an investment in its key talent and senior leaders.
It enables coachees to move beyond general advice provided by mentors and courses to actively address individual challenges, needs, growth opportunities, and goals.
Executive coaching is often a partnership between the organisation, the client, and the coach. The more the organisation and relevant stakeholders are involved, within the boundaries of confidentiality, the more effective the coaching is likely to be.
Best for leaders who want to work on:
Positively navigating a workplace transition (e.g., change of job or role, promotion, new leadership, redundancy, retirement
Improving leadership style
Adapting to influencing versus directing; from micromanaging to empowering
Understanding and transforming one’s personal impact e.g., from burnout to flourishing, from intimidation to inspiration
Managing performance of individuals and teams
Managing upwards with elegance and skill
Improving ‘say vs do’ ratio
Improving personal productivity
Improving work/life balance
Increasing capacity to deal with organisational turbulence, complexity, uncertainty, and change
How it works
For the organisation
This can be a virtual or face-to-face conversation to:
Assess fit with the organisation’s needs (including context, numbers, and profiles of candidates for coaching) and culture
Assess challenges the organisation is seeking to address, change desired, and expected outcomes
Understand the organisation’s requirements (e.g., 3-ways, 360 feedback, shadowing, etc.), budgets, and constraints
Clarify and align on confidentiality of the content discussed in sessions between coach and client
Answer any questions you have about the executive coaching process, fees, and terms
I present a proposed program approach, objectives and expected outcomes, content, team (coaches), ways of working (e.g., accountabilities, expectations of the organisation, confidentiality), and commercials (including fees and terms).
We jointly finalise and sign the contract. We then proceed to assess the chemistry and fit between the coachee and I.
We evaluate progress periodically and mutually agree on continuing or concluding coaching. Formal feedback will be requested at the midpoint of the engagement (generally after session 4 or 5) and at the conclusion of the engagement.
For the individual (coachee)
We meet or set up a phone call to explore and discuss ‘chemistry’ and ‘fit’ and review contracting details. I also assess ‘coaching readiness’: Do you understand what to expect from coaching? Are you ready to take on this work currently? Is the coaching issue or challenge clear? Do you understand relevant details, including time commitment, pricing, location, potential interviews, assessments, required 3-way conversations with the boss/HR partner, etc.?
Assuming the chemistry is right, we make a joint intentional decision to proceed.
In many cases, it is helpful for me to have an initial confidential briefing from the coachee’s manager and/or HR lead.
You complete a pre-coaching questionnaire to provide background information and also share any psychometric assessments or exercises you may have completed in the past.
We focus on your current situation and desired future. Typically, we’ll explore your current work situation, whole-person context (including what is going on in the rest of your life, a brief look at early influences on your life, and family of origin), and overall aspirational and behavioural goals for the coaching program.
If your organisation requires it (or if you and I agree), we set up a three-way meeting between you, your organisational sponsor/manager, and me to ensure that we all understand the outcomes the organisation expects from coaching.
We discuss how your sponsor/manager might support you during the coaching programme. We will also clarify protocols for confidentiality so that your sponsor/manager understands that the content discussed in coaching remains confidential.
If your organisation requires it (or if you and I agree that this would be helpful), you may take one or more psychometric assessments. Research and experience have shown that such assessments play a key role in increasing your self-awareness, your strengths, your impact on others, your style preferences, etc.
A coaching plan typically will range from 8 to 10 sessions every other week, to unlimited access on a retainer basis over a period of several months and beyond. The coaching will concentrate on your future options and choices and may include training in the self-management of change.
Executive coaching may conclude with a final three-way conference call between you, your sponsor/manager, and me. We examine the overall effectiveness of the coaching engagement (including conducting an engagement closure and feedback check-in), and develop a longer-range support plan including a review of mindsets, behaviours, and expected performance metrics.
Team Coaching
My approach focuses on maximising the capabilities, strengths, and positive core of the team. This creates a stronger, more effective team that is able to serve organisational goals while concurrently helping members develop as individuals.
Team coaching is for intact or newly formed teams with a common focus (e.g., business unit leadership teams, front-line teams, coalitions of partners) seeking change or higher levels of performance and impact. I work with teams in both for-profit and not-for-profit organisations.
This is for you if you’re looking for a committed external guide to support, facilitate, and provide accountability to unlock the team’s potential, powered by shared values, collective strengths, mutual trust, and positive ways of working.
Best for teams who want to work on:
Aligning team goals and clarifying roles and responsibilities
Operational fine-tuning
Improving communication, collaboration, cohesion, team dynamics, and ways of working
Improving fractured or stressed relationships within the team
Improving psychological safety
Developing higher levels of understanding of, and commitment to, collective purpose, values, and strengths
Developing higher levels of collective hope, resilience, confidence, compassion, kindness, respect, empathy, trust, gratitude, perseverance, honesty, and accomplishment
Developing higher levels of playfulness and fun
Enhancing awareness of and reconciling differing interests within the team
Navigating changes that might disrupt the feel and functioning of the team (e.g., leadership changes, new members, change in goals and direction, uncertainty within the organisation)
How it works
This can be a virtual or face-to-face conversation to:
Assess fit with the organisation’s needs (including context, team composition, and profile of the team for coaching) and culture
Assess challenges the organisation is seeking to address, change desired, and expected outcomes for the team
Understand the organisation’s requirements (e.g., interviews, assessments, feedback, shadowing, etc.), budgets, and constraints
Clarify and align on confidentiality of the content discussed in sessions between coach and team members, individually and collectively
Meet the team leader and potentially some of the team members
Answer any questions you have about the executive coaching process, fees, and terms
I present a proposed program approach, objectives and expected outcomes, content, team (coaches), ways of working (e.g., accountabilities, expectations of the organisation, confidentiality), and commercials (including fees and terms).
Typically, the discovery step involves collecting data and assessment, conducting semi-structured interviews with all team members, and shadowing team leaders or members as an observer.
I provide a consolidated set of observations and thematic analysis for report out to the team leader (followed by the team) with a recommended coaching plan for discussion, alignment, and agreement.
Typically, coaching will concentrate on areas of:
Alignment/misalignment on areas of interests, purpose, values, goals and direction, performance metrics
Tensions, blockers and/or derailers
Strengths and positive core of the team
Areas for clarity and areas which are yet to be surfaced
Constructive and unconstructive behaviours
Communication and conflict resolution styles
Summary of the feel and functioning of the team
We evaluate progress periodically and mutually agree on continuing or concluding coaching. Formal feedback will be requested at the midpoint of the engagement and at the conclusion of the engagement.
Team coaching may conclude with a final workshop with the team to discuss and review the coaching, examining the overall effectiveness of the coaching engagement, and developing a longer-range support plan including a review of mindsets, behaviors and expected team performance metrics.
Customised Programmes
If life coaching, executive coaching, or team coaching isn’t quite what you are looking for, you may benefit from a completely customised programme. I can create a programme designed to meet your needs and desired outcomes, grounded in evidence, positive psychology, and practical wisdom.
Customised programmes can include guest speakers and panel discussions. They can also consist of individual and/or group coaching, psychometric assessments, self and 360 feedback, knowledge sharing and facilitated discussions, individual and team exercises and activities, and collaborative workshops.
Customised programmes can address one or more of the topics listed below:
Next generation leadership development
Building trust, compassion, and empathy
Building resilience and hope
Work addiction and workaholism
Imposter syndrome
Building high-quality relationships
Organisational Flourishing/Wellbeing
Flourishing workplaces – characteristics, routines, and outcomes
Strategic partnering for impact
Negotiation mindsets and tactics
Sales – deal origination and execution
How to get started
Customised programmes start with a complimentary virtual or face-to-face conversation to:
Assess fit with your needs and culture
Assess what challenge you’re addressing, change desired, and expected outcomes
Assess whether my services and experience are right for you
Answer any questions you have about the program
I then present a proposed program approach, objectives and expected outcomes, content, team, ways of working (e.g., accountabilities, expectations of you the client); and commercials including fees and terms.
I gained a deeper awareness of the thoughts and actions that prevent me from being the best version of myself.
“Through my time with Bob, I have gained a deeper awareness of the thoughts and actions that prevent me from being the best version of myself. While some learnt behaviours from my childhood have enabled my core strengths, others have caused me to question or doubt myself. Coaching with Bob has enabled me to understand this, and to recognise the signs so I can create more positive outcomes. I have become more accepting of some of the doubts I have and I’ve learnt to make small changes that will diminish their power.
Coaching with Bob commenced at a key point of change in my career and it helped me reconfirm my purpose and objectives. I have continued on my path of self-reflection and I really feel I am beginning to positively change my behaviours, which is improving my ability to reach my full potential.”
— Louisa Francis
Partner Consulting, Big Four Consulting Firm
Bob helped me bring the best of myself to both professional and personal settings.
“I appreciate Bob’s candid and thoughtful feedback to ideas and solutions, helping me consider other alternatives and possibilities, enabling a better (or best) match for what I am working on.
Bob is adept at wearing various hats, at the appropriate time — moving from my mentor to my coach, helping me bring the best of myself to both professional and personal settings.
Working with Bob, I learned and have applied practical techniques for problem-solving and coping, including the importance of feedback, disclosure, and self-reflection.”
— Randy Wandmacher
Managing Consulting Director, Global Strategy and Consulting Firm
I would highly recommend Bob to help other leaders get to places they thought impossible.
“Through the last 15 years, Bob has had a major impact on my career, promotion to and within Managing Director levels, and bringing the best of myself and teams to serve our clients. Bob has been both a mentor and coach, challenging my thinking and approach to improve client business value, work through difficult situations, and lead with trust.
Developing deep trust has been core to my own leadership style, both in understanding my own views and my expectation of others, and how leading with trust brings more in return. This has been extremely useful in many aspects of business, whether it will be shaping an interest-based deal (and reminding me that people buy from people) to working through a difficult recovery period in an overall client relationship.
His relentless passion and energy have been something I’ve also enjoyed whether it’s from 5 feet away or over 5,000 miles away. He cares deeply about growing talent, understanding one’s strengths, and leaving a place better than when you arrived as the model of stewardship. These are some of the many things I’ve learned directly or indirectly from Bob and would highly recommend him to help other leaders along their journey or to get to places they thought impossible.
— Don Heiliger
Managing Director Global Professional Services Company
YOU are the expert on your life
You bring interesting challenges to the table, I’ll bring process and provocative ways of thinking that will illuminate the path between your current state and your desired future.
Together, we will unearth what’s standing in your way, develop new strategies and action steps to move ahead, and track results.
You will walk away with a clear vision and plan for how you will take real, actionable steps toward building and sustaining lasting change in yourself in areas that are important to you.
I was able to make a very informed decision about my next career move.
“When at a career junction I spent several months working with Bob to help understand more about me and where I would likely be happiest at work. It was an incredibly valuable and introspective experience as I worked out the values, passions, and strengths that I brought to the work environment and unpacked things that were holding me back from reaching my potential.
From this experience, I was able to create a plan for me to be better, make a very informed decision about my next career move, and have a much clearer picture of what I need to focus on to continue to grow.
The entire journey with Bob was fantastic and at all times I felt Bob was genuinely focused on helping guide me to achieve my goals. He was extremely effective in helping me better understand my personality traits, uncovering what provided me with positive energy, pushing me to re-evaluate my own preconceptions, and figuring out how to better manage scenarios that frustrated me. Working with Bob was exactly what I needed, and I would highly recommend him to others.”
— Alistair Quartermain
Strategic Market Maker, Oracle
His no-nonsense approach and sage guidance, combined with genuine care is a rare combination.
“I’ve known Bob for almost 20 years and had the privilege of working with and for Bob, as well as being coached/mentored. Bob has played an instrumental role in my life — not just my career.
Bob is an inspiring, effective, and brilliant coach full of wisdom. His no-nonsense approach and sage guidance, combined with genuine care is a rare combination. Bob helped shape my path and approach to leadership and learning, as well as inform my appreciation for applied psychology in organisations.
Bob always challenged me to look beyond the surface of a situation or problem and help me find beneficial solutions. I’ve learned to respond better to feedback, be more aware of my own patterns and behaviours, and adjust to be more effective and clearer in my communications. Bob has supported me on numerous occasions through job changes, personal difficulties and as a friend. I cherish my relationship with Bob and look forward to ongoing coaching and guidance.”
— Tracey Hinkle-James
Retired Chief Operating Officer, CHIEF Founding Member and Start-up Advisor
Bob provided me with frameworks to rebuild my belief in myself and my professional experience.
I had been out of the workforce for 12 months due to a series of unforeseen events that impacted all aspects of my life. I had not been in the position that I needed to be interviewed in over 25 years.
I reached out to Bob for guidance. We had first worked together over 20 years prior and I trusted his down-to-earth approach. Bob has a calm, measured and holistic approach to coaching.
Bob provided me with frameworks to rebuild my belief in myself and my professional experience and guided me through the current approaches to executive hiring, including the art of networking today, writing a resume that creates interest, practicing different interview techniques, and most importantly — what not to do.
I set a goal that I would be ready to “test the job market” within 3 months. I am very grateful for Bob’s empathetic approach, impactful guidance, and being able to tap into his expertise and meet our agreed timeline.
— Niche Consulting & Software Energy Executive
Frequently Asked Questions
Coaching is a focused series of conversations that support change, growth, and development in pursuit of maximising personal or team functioning and performance and achieving best self.
It is a respectful and confidential partnership between a coach and client. This relationship assists the client to identify what is holding them back and empowers them to step into what they most want, accessing internal and external resources to make positive and meaningful change. It’s important to distinguish between mentoring and coaching.
What is unique about coaching relative to other disciplines, such as therapy or mentoring, is its usage of the following:
An equal partnership between coach-coachee
An assumption that the individual is already resourceful and capable — not “broken” nor “deficient”
Skilled questioning and listening techniques by the coach to elicit self-discovered insight in the client, rather than giving advice or guidance
A goal-orientation focused on achieving observable outcomes
Coaching is a sequential and iterative process consisting of clarification of purpose, values, beliefs, skills, strengths, options, and resources.
As the client, you set the agenda and shape the goals. You choose the areas to explore together with your coach.
Coaching is not therapy. Therapeutic or counseling approaches are distinct and different from coaching’s methodology.
The coaching process however will address personal issues and life conditions that affect professional success. As a client, you make your own choices toward the realisation of your development, while accepting full responsibility for both your actions and decisions.
Coaching is not mentoring. Mentoring is great if you are specifically looking for advice or guidance from someone who has walked the path and knows the way. Coaching is designed to help leaders develop new leadership and life skills and self-awareness.
By creating a reflective space, coaching can help you or your team if there is some aspect of your current situation that you’d like to change for the better or some growth you would like to unlock.
Whether seeking improvements in work performance, envisioning the next chapter in your career/life, or dealing with a change that has been thrust upon you, partnering with a coach can be an effective way to build self-awareness, identify choices, and execute lasting changes that can transform your professional and personal life.
Your desired changes could be small and simple or may seem overwhelming right now, but you know you need to do something to improve on it.
Being willing to explore with kindness and compassion for self.
Being honest, open, and transparent with yourself and with me. Use coaching sessions as a safe place to examine your feelings, actions, and decisions. Sometimes I may ask you questions that seem too probing. In each instance you may give me full permission to be bold and forthright. You may also decline to answer any question at any time.
Taking personal responsibility for your own feelings and behaviour.
Being committed to the coaching relationship including attendance at sessions and completion of agreed assignments or exercises in between sessions.
Being open to receive, accept, and act on constructive feedback from the coach and from others that would only be solicited with your permission.
Being willing to try new ways of thinking and behaving.
Being persistent and patient as you explore your current reality, envision your ideal self and practice new thinking, behaviors and skills.
You can expect some level of discomfort as you let go of old habits and behaviours and try new ones.
This is the time when growth takes root and with your commitment and practice, your new skills and mindsets will begin to feel more natural. The effort, presence and commitment put forth will correlate with the outcomes.
In working together, we each will endeavour to:
Be on time for sessions
Communicate timely should a session need to be cancelled and rescheduled by mutual agreement
Be clear on dates, times, duration, and locations of session
Limit distractions, such as electronic devices, to a minimum
Take time to reflect before and after each session
Listen to one another and ask for clarification as needed for understanding
Be fully engaged and present of mind and body for each session
Follow through on ideas or commitments outside of sessions as promised
Be honest and vulnerable with one another
Hold information shared between us in the highest of confidence
Share information that is difficult to say
Show respect and no judgment
Give permission to provide feedback including sharing what is working and what is not without defensiveness
Give feedback to improve the relationship and effectiveness of our work together
The coaching relationship is a confidential relationship. All information discussed or provided during sessions will be kept strictly confidential except if disclosure is required legally or if I reasonably believe there is a risk of harm to yourself or others.
I may use your name and identifying contact information for the purpose of meeting professional certification requirements in the field of coaching. As such I will ask your permission to disclose only your name, email, and the dates of our sessions as a client for my continued accreditation with International Coaching Federation (ICF).
For my own ongoing development as a coach and to provide the most thorough training possible, which includes coaching supervision, I may ask for your permission to record some of our sessions. Some recordings will be reviewed for me to receive coach mentoring feedback on the quality of the coaching I am providing. The recorded sessions will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. You may agree or decline as it feels appropriate to you when I ask.
While everything discussed is strictly confidential there are opportunities for me to engage sponsors or other key stakeholders in the coaching process, at your request. To get the most out of your coaching engagement, you may request that I speak with sponsors, managers, or other key stakeholders to gain more insight in support of your development. In such cases, we will agree on what is shared with such individuals prior to connecting with them.
Throughout each engagement, I will conduct myself in accordance with the ICF Coaching Code of Ethics.
There are no hard and fast rules about length of engagement or frequency of sessions and everyone’s situation is different.
Generally, an engagement is several months long with a minimum of 60-minute coaching sessions (longer durations may be required) every other week. Coaching sessions are offered via phone or video calls.
In some instances, sessions may be face-to-face, however the changes brought about by Covid 19 have shown that developing a strong coaching relationship that supports desirable change can be equally successful in a remote setting.
In between sessions, you are entitled to emails, instant messages, and/or text support.
His mentorship was critical to building my confidence as a female leader to advocate for my career progression.
Over the course of 10+ years. Bob guided me through a journey that included developing and expanding trust-based relationships, recognizing and addressing bias and perceptions, discovering interests, uncovering and applying my strengths, and realizing my purpose and passions.
Bob’s unique breadth of personal and career experience made him a relevant coach through the twists and turns of my career and life journey. Coached by Bob, I optimized a diverse global Business Process Services footprint raising team member satisfaction and client delight through the implementation of process excellence, analytics and team member engagement strategies. Bob guided me through the origination and closure of many $100M+ deals across multiple domains, such as R&D, Finance and Procurement, integrating client-centric narratives, interest-based negotiations, and commercial deal shaping. His coaching aided me in the development of mid-level through C-Suite trusted relationships within my client’s organisations and in my own company.
Most importantly, Bob mentored me through the integration of my expanding family into my ongoing career progression. As the parent working outside of the home for 3 children, his mentorship was critical to building my confidence as a female leader to advocate for my ongoing career progression, where others might have expected me to step back.
My experiences and learnings from working with Bob remain key to my ongoing personal and career development. They have powered my progress and the progress of those who work for and with me. I am grateful that our journeys aligned.
— Marie Surrette
Managing Director, Global Professional Services
Bob’s coaching opened my eyes to who I want to be.
“Bob is the single most influential leader and coach that I have ever worked with in my 30+ year career. When we first met, I was a solid delivery leader but was very rough around the edges in terms of engaging and communicating with senior client leaders. Bob had a unique ability to recognize what I brought to the table along with my areas for development. More important, Bob spent his personal time getting to know me as a person and quickly found ways to motivate me so that I remained 100% engaged in the success of our client.
Bob is an iconic leader to so many of us because of his coaching in areas like the trust equation, working in the clients’ interest while avoiding anything that might come off as self-interested, living by a personal credo that documents what you stand for, and the power of remaining unconditionally positive. These concepts have opened my eyes to who I want to be and are now at the foundation of who I am as a leader and person.
I can honestly say that I would never have reached the level of becoming a Global Client Account Lead for a Platinum level client without Bob as my mentor and coach. I will forever be grateful for Bob’s influence and will continue to look to him for advice in moments of need. Bob has made me a better husband, father, leader, and human.”
— Tom Papa
Managing Director, Global Professional Services Company
He helped me build stronger self-awareness, confidence, and focus with both my work and my family life.
“I have been fortunate to have Bob as a coach. Bob is always 100% present when we work together.
He draws upon real-life experiences and has an accommodating style that is both nurturing and challenging. Bob brings great natural wisdom that helps tease out what is important. He facilitates rather than tells and has an excellent toolkit introducing the right tool at the right point in the process. Bob is not at all formulaic and we also have a good laugh along the way.
He has helped me build stronger self-awareness, confidence, and focus with both my work and my family life.
— Stephen Klineberg
Director, Medical Devices Industry
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew.”
— Albert Einstein
The relationship between the client and our firm became legendary.
“I met Bob after almost 30 years of leadership in my professional career. What a gift he was to me personally, to my team and to my clients.
Bob completely changed how we looked at situations and enhanced my/our ability to develop and deepen trust-based relationships within our team and across the global client base we served. Our client relationship became one of the premier relationships across our entire Client Industry Group. More importantly, the relationship between the client and our firm became legendary.
Bob can take extremely complex situations and break them into the most impactful, important, and meaningful elements. Bob is the best that I have ever worked with, and I continue to enjoy the benefits of his advice and counsel to this very day.”
— Paul Rudolph
Private Advisor to Fortune 200 Companies
Bob guided us through a challenging 6-hour conversation with exquisite emotional competence.
“Bob is a uniquely talented coach, offering his clients psychology-based insights with compassion and wisdom.
I have had the good fortune to know Bob for several years, and recently engaged him to help a close friend and me navigate a complex situation within our friendship, which for all our sincerest efforts we could not resolve on our own.
With both my friend and I present, Bob guided us through a challenging 6-hour conversation with exquisite emotional competence. Bob ensured both my friend and I were able to express our opinions and perspectives freely, so no sentiment was repressed or denied, but then ultimately brought us back to what is of utmost importance: our long-standing bond, which is precious and which we so value.
It is a rare person indeed who can help others navigate their challenges with the kind of patience and emotional stamina that Bob displays. You can feel that he wants your best outcome, and he is unrelenting in his commitment to achieve this. Whether you are exploring aspects of yourself or your relationships with others, in your personal or professional life, I guarantee that Bob Easton is the coach who can help elevate you to be all that you can be.”
— Dr Liz Goldenberg
Executive Director, The Flourishing World Programme
Executives who seek to play at the top of their game will benefit from Bob as their coach.
“Any executive would benefit from Bob as a business coach because he has played “the game” at the highest level with extraordinary success. Just as elite athletes work with a coach their whole career, executives who seek to play at the top of their game will benefit from Bob as their coach.
His unique background combining military discipline, training as a psychologist, leadership as head of Accenture in Australia and New Zealand, and a terrific sense of empathy and humor, will help corporate leaders improve, change and/or completely transform how they manage and operate their enterprises.”
— Senior executive, Big Four Consulting Firm
Book Your Complimentary Consultation
All of my coaching services begin with a complimentary consultation, which takes place over a virtual call.
Take your first step and book yours using the appointment scheduler below.